Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week In Pictures # 14

Happy Sunday everyone! It's summer! Well, not calendaristically, but definitely in every other way, at least here. Booked my ticket to London, even got a day off this week, magnificent things!
And other than that, here's the rest that happened, best show in visuals:

 It has definitely been wrap week / My pretty little flower is blooming
 The kids, all ready to go full bloom / How have I not realized that Lush products smell so good?
 Wednesday is cocktail time / Gorgeous sunset in the city. Really appreciate we have so much green
New boots! Surprising how nice they look / My most accurate portrait to date

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  1. Those cocktails look delish :) Could have really done with one of those today.

    Fashion Beauty Etc

  2. Love the troll face, haha!

  3. Love all the pictures but especially the wrap and the drinks!! :) Ixx

  4. Great photos, the food and cocktails look awesome! Love your blog.
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC, blogloving and facebook? I am following you on GFC # 418 and Bloglovin ;o)
    Have a great day
