Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week In Pictures # 15

Hey there Sunday people! This week has been all over the place and I've been having trouble finding any downtime so I'm sorry for not replying to well...pretty much anything and being the poster child of M.I.A. 
On the bright side, I managed to get a good amount of exercise done and even get more sleep than expected. By the end of it, I was even feeding myself in a healthy manner. So here it is, last week in pictures.

 Blooming all the way in the garden! / Ah yes, a nice cold Guinness...lemonade. Seriously

 Deliciously healthy oatmeal,banana,berries and choco yogurt / No filter sunshines of spring

 Fruity morning / Doing vastly weird things with my hair. You  should have seen the back

Belgian Lavender Chocolate = perfection / Why I love sunsets


How did your week go? Hope it was filled with just as much sunshine and colors!

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