Friday, July 5, 2013

Barry M Gelly Polishes - My 4 Favorites + Swatches

You have no idea how long I've waited to get my hands on these and because Barry M is mainly found in the UK, it was only on my trip to London that I managed to get my paws tightly clenched around them.The one color I knew I wanted was Greenberry  and you can see the post I did on it Here, but there were a couple of others that I also wanted to try out.

barry m gelly gellies nail polish Lychee, Prickly Pear, Grapefruit,Greenberry

We have, from left to right:  Lychee, Prickly Pear, Grapefruit and Greenberry
They are definitely perfect summer colors and as I was saying in the post on Greenberry , I'm also impressed with their texture and lasting power.

barry m gelly gellies nail polish Lychee, Prickly Pear, Grapefruit,Greenberry
As per usual, the last two don't really look like in reality, Grapefruit being decidedly more pink and Greenberry...well more green. And both are much brighter.
Lychee is a sandy nude that is in itself quite light and looks good with and without a tan. Prickly Pear is that relaxing shade of lilac that looks very natural (even if it is purple) and organic on your hand. Grapefruit is definitely THE summer popper of the bunch. I mean, everyone needs that sort of bright pink for when the sun is shining. And Greenberry is just mint green perfection with saturation turned up.

They generally just need 2 coats, or 3 thin coats. I recommend the 3 very thin ones, as they will increase the time these polishes will last, chip free.

I think Boots still have the 1 + the second at half price on these so you can definitely mix and match if you want to try them out. I for one am very happy about getting them and I might even dare say that my summer color palette is covered. Or is it?

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  1. ooo love the look of Grapefruit! I wish we had Barry M in Australia


  2. Oooooo prickly pear looks so cute! I have lychee and their red is AMAZING btw!! xx

  3. They look really pretty! I want them :D

  4. Peste cea nude pot sari lejer peste, insa celelalte trei cu greu as alege cu care m-as da prima data :D

  5. Ce culori frumoase! Toate imi plac iar acum as opta pentru grapefruit! <3

  6. I have Prickly Pear and Lychee and I love them. Lusting after Greenberry :)

    Water Painted Dreams

  7. I am OBSESSED with Grapefruit and Greenberry!

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  8. Sunt superbe, si eu imi doresc cateva :D
