Wednesday, July 3, 2013

London Photo Diary

As I mentioned on Sunday in the Week in Pictures post, there was going to be an actual,proper post about my last London trip. And what better way to do that than in pictures! I could also use a thousand words to describe each picture, because I'd have the inspiration to do so, but I think this paints a much clearer,faster and literally more colorful image.

1. You have to start at Baker St. 2. The slight fish&chips fail 3. My favorite photo of the trip
4. The Globe: destination of our 3hr walk 5. Mother of all bagels 6. Sunset from my window
7. What a glorious sight 8. Hey box,aren't you a Tardis? 9. Joanna Streetview

1. Few things beat St.Paul's in grandeur 2. Becoming very british very fast 3. My favorite place on the South Bank
4. Nightwalks 5. My little SouthBench 6. Ben being Ben
7. Was preparing for greatness,wasn't that great 8. Transylvanian Vampires in the middle of Hampstead 9. The begin of a beautiful sushi friendship

1. I take sushi friendships very serious 2. Soho: bucket of inspiration 3. And Pimm's
4. My most used: feet and the south bank bench 5. And then came chocolate 6.And some more
7. And let's not forget a bit more chocolate 8. The last snack on the tube 9. Attempting artistry at night

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  1. Looks like you'd a great time!!! xx

  2. All the food looks so good! I'd love to go to London :) x
