Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What About a Spectacular Breakfast?

Breakfast: that immensely important meal of the day, that energizer, that perfect start in the morning...that thing we always seem to have way too little time for.

And that's not ok. Breakfast should set you up for a great start filled with everything your body needs. 
As someone who wakes up in the morning and tries to do everything as fast as possible, I can tell you that during the week, the luxury of having a full and hearty breakfast seemed so far fetched I almost laughed at it.
But not anymore! Because you can do it fast and efficient and delicious.

Here's what you need:

- Yogurt
- Fruit. I've been having a peach moment,followed by a berry moment, but you can have any fruit moment
- Nuts. Almonds are actually my favorites  but that doesn't mean the rest of the nut world is not open
- Seeds. I was lucky enough to find a sesame/chia/pumpkin/sunflower seed mix for this one
- Chocolate. If you don't want to add sweeteners like syrup or sugar, just grate some chocolate on top

And voila! A filling and nutritious breakfast to last you for most (if not all) morning!

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  1. Yammy Yammy! Arata delicios!

  2. fructe plus lactate = big NO-NO...
    semintele de in trebuie macinate altfel zero omega 3, cum intra asa ies...

    si ar mai fi dar m-am limitat la cele mai importante :)

    1. Si totusi,atat de bun :)
      Eu nu am niciun fel de problema cu fructe si iaurt, de e e big no-no?

  3. combinatia perfecta!Mie imi place sa amestec fulgi de ovaz bio cu iaurt simplu, natural in care adaug o lingura de miere si cam atat.Nu prea imi place sa amestec cu fructe, nu e o combinatie grozava...Pofta buna!Te pup:*

  4. This looks heavenly! I must try it as soon as possible!
