Sunday, January 12, 2014

An Update

Hey guys, You may have noticed I've been a slight bit MIA over the past week. This is because I'm moving for a while and have to get all of those things sorted by next week.
And on top of that I'm also working 9hrs a day so that gives me little to no time to get to do much else.

On a happy note, next week's Week in Pictures will be written and posted in London so yay for that!
Until then you can keep up with pictures on my Instagram. Thanks for the patience and see you very soon!

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  1. Replies
    1. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed! Hehe Thank you! xxx

  2. Replies
    1. Thankyou! I'll be so relaxed once I'm there and settled in xxx

  3. virtual hug baaack! te inteleg cu mutarea, si eu fac la fel! :))) Cand pleci? :*

    1. maine dimineata pe racoareeee,asa pe la 5 :)) The joy!
