Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Blues : Essie Bobbing for Baubles

People of the Monday , feeling the enthusiasm yet?

Well, since autumn has hit (somewhat, as there's still around 30C here), the time for autumn colors is also here.
As you may have noticed, I usually add something like glitter or stripes or dots to my Monday nails but today I'm just showing you ye simple blue. Why? Well because this color I've been craving for a long time and finally found, received and worn, just in time for this post.

Essie - Bobbing for Baubles

essie bobbing for baubles swatch

This thing is shiny I tell you!
It pretty much reflected anything it could while photographing it and I'm sure if I provide a big enough picture, you're  going to be able to tell what I'm wearing too.

With that being said, the color is gorgeous!
It's a dusky blue that can go into a sort of dark grey or indigo and it works so well with gold jewelery.
I think it's a great autumn color and when I'll be doing my Autumn Polishes post, you'll have another encounter with this guy.

Since this is monday blues, there's some other lovely ladies who made the blue shine today,and here they are:

Gosia from Life in Color!
Mihaela from Lacquerbuzz
Marisa from Polish Obsession

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  1. Oh my. This colour looks beautiful! I love dark colours that provide a lot of shine. :) x

    1. I've been looking for it for a long time and was so happy I finally found it! It looks even cooler in real life

  2. This is one of my favorite blues!! Happy Monday!

    1. Mine too! Total autumn perfection and I suspect winter perfection too!

  3. Replies
    1. I think I'm gonna be wearing it a lot, it looks really awesome. Now I just hope my nails would grow a bit faster

  4. I love this colour.
