Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oxblood Glitter Nails

A while ago, I did a post bout a manicure I had tried and became completely obsessed with. I kept staring at my hands and repeating in my head how pretty it looked. In case you missed it, you can see it Here and tell me if I'm wrong about how pretty they are.

Well, it isn't something too complicated and it got me thinking what other color could work with gold.
I find silver glitter doesn't really do such a great job as gold in delivering something really pretty.

So upon being flooded with Fashion Week material and trends, the term Oxblood was floating around pretty much everywhere I looked. Sounds pretty macabre doesn't it, "Oxblood" ? I'd assume even Bunnyblood would have worked, since it's pretty much the same color, but it wouldn't have had the same street cred that Oxblood brings with it.

In any case, since this is clearly becoming Nail Week on the blog, I will continue this week with showing you Bunnyblood glitter nails.No, just kidding, it's still Oxblood and no bunnies were harmed...just some cows.

osblood burgundy glitter gold tip nails w7 gold dazzle saffron glitter

I think these go from pretty to quite chic . Much of the baroque era operated on black or burgundy and gold.
I only had this particular shade of burgundy at my disposal at that particular point, but went out and got a lighter and more shimmery shade a few days later and I'm thinking about repeating this manicure with that.

osblood burgundy glitter gold tip nails w7 gold dazzle saffron glitter

In any case, I am really liking this combination. It will probably work amazingly well with black too if you want to give it a bit of a gothic twist or you can try some mint greens or  sky blues if you're feeling fresh.
The blues and greens might be a clearer option in spring, but why not brighten up the day a bit now already?
Also, white will probably look gorgeously pure.

Ok, this just makes me want to try a whole bunch of new combination now. What have I done!
Back to painting my nails it is then!

And don't forget to check out my First International Giveaway where you can also win a cute polish that might work with glitter tips! 

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  1. they're so pretty! The gold against the dark burgundy is absolutely perfect x


    1. Right? I have to admit, in my head, it didn't even look half as good :P Makes me think I should try more stuff that aren't super awesome in my head,they might end up great in reality

  2. Awesome combination for fall :)


    1. Thankyou! I think this color really works great for fall too1

  3. Hi,

    I found your blog from the #bbloggers blog hop and i am liking your blog! keep up the good work! ^^

  4. Your nails look absolutely gorgeous!

    I also just found you in the #bbloggers blog hop and absolutely love what I've found! I've subscribed :)

    Morag x

  5. This looks amazing, would look good with a black base as well as a deep navy blue...(i've got this on pinterest http://pinterest.com/pin/153403931028427258/ )

    But my questions is...do you have loose glitter and if no, what glitter nail polish did you use? I have an ebay one in gold, but it takes ages to dry, and the nails you did would require 3-4 coats of it...

    1. I think next thing I'll try it on Essie's Bobbing for Baubles, I did a swatch for it on the blog too.

      I do have loose glitter,but it wasn't used here.It's the same glitters I used in this post http://thetreasurechestt.blogspot.ro/2012/09/prettiest-nails-ive-ever-had.html
      Saffron for the bigger one and W7 for the fine one

    2. Well you didn't mention the nail polishes in the other post either. Saffron is the one I have as well, but it takes a lot to try, over 2 hours, and it has a sticky feeling. Maybe I just received a bad bottle?

    3. the truth is that Saffron has no name,so it was just "chunky glitter". It it a gelly glitter so it dries slow,but most glitters are gelly based so they dry like that. Except the W7s which dry in no time.
      Shouldn't take 2hrs tho, but you can always try a fast drying top coat to speed it up
