Friday, October 19, 2012

Smooth Operator Paw Paw Lip Balm

Today, I will show you the latest addition to my lip balm collection.

You might recall my excitement when I showed you the Swap Goodie Box arrived. In that awesome goodie box there was also the superbly australian Paw Paw Smooth Operator from Sportsgirl.
Can I just say how awesome the name is? Smooth Operator! Spot on!

sportsgirl paw paw smooth operator lip balm papaya

As you can see from the tube, it says it's a multi-purpose lip balm. 
What is that? I hear you ask.
For that, we start by defining the Paw Paw. Any guesses? Well it's Papaya! Another awesome name given by the cool folks down under!
And papaya is a great little plant. So is its extract that you can find in this lip balm. It doesn't only go on lips, it goes on any dry skin you might have. 
Ellbows crackin up? Paw Paw it!
Did you just get sunburned? Stick the Paw Paw stick on it!

sportsgirl paw paw papaya smooth operator lip balm
It's also super easy and clean to apply as you can see from the tube it comes in.
I was surprised how little of it I needed, for my lips to be all jolly about it. Sometimes I even just use what was left on the tip of the tube and its enough.

It really does a great job moisturizing your lips.
Sure, it's not of the thickest consistency, so you will have the urge to re apply it quite a bit, but truth be is just an urge, not an actual need, because once you apply it, your lips will be good for a while.

You know I'm very much into natural extracts and papaya is right there on top of my list! So I'm super glad I got the chance to try this out! Hopefully I'm gonna be able to get hold of a refill once it runs out!

What lip balms do you use and what's your favorite?

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