Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Nails in Gumdrop Gold

Today, I have one of my definite spring colors to show, and while that is going to get the attention it deserves soon, for this post, it's been paired up with some gold.
Initially, the plan was to make some pretty gold flowers on this blue but once I started making the pattern, I realized it wouldn't look half as bad as just gold splatter. So that's what I ended up going for.

The color underneath is Orly Gumdrop and over it is my very random Farmasi gold polish that seems to get the job done better than most golds.
I think it ended up looking much more optimistic and sunny this way, than if I would have started making flowers. It's more light and airy and you can either look at it as a mutant leopard or as mutant clouds. The mutant part is still there but methinks it looks really pretty.

What do you say? Turquoise ( because it is more turquoise than it looks) and gold seem to work quite well in this case, do you agree?

And speaking of blues, here's the creations of the rest of the ladies!

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week In Pictures #13

Happy Sunday everyone! I have this slight feeling that I'm going to be able to sleep some more after writing this post, but that's what Sundays are for,right? 
Last week we went from nice spring to full on summer, with 34C yesterday. For the record, I am in no way complaining! Sunshine just makes me the happiest camper, so here's the photos to prove it.

 Best smell in the entire world!  / You know it's happytimes when you can whip out the sunscreen

 Basically, I just liked the label a lot / Can we say 'perfect spring color' ?

 Don't remember how this mango passionfruit thing was called but it was delicious / Urban lunching at its finest

 Bust of the week: diabetes in a can. You need water to wash off the sweetness.But the description looked promising / Got myself a little jasmine plant and it smells incredible

Sunday breakfast at its best

And now,I shall leave you with another pictures that made me burst out in laughter last week. I truly don't know who makes them but he deserves my heartfelt congratulations


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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring And The City

Basically, everything on my blog lately has somehow been themes spring. It might have something to do with the fact that it's my favorite season, that I get to wear shorts, that the sun is shining and that the outside has become vastly more comfortable than the inside of any building.

With that being said, my friend Anja and myself, who also runs a fashion blog over at Rose Clouds Of Night decided it would be a fun thing to do a "spring in the city" post.Here is her flower filled spring awesomeness: If My Eyes Could Take Pictures
Now, I don't know about you, but I work 8 hour days and that means I miss out on most of the great sunshines happening outside my window, but I can still enjoy some of it in the middle of concrete. More or less. So here's a bit of a glimpse of my views, from the vastly urban office building and brick surroundings.

 On the first day of sunshine and blue skies I was walking up to the parking lot and just had to take a picture of this. Basically because of the man made attempt to bring "nature" into such a un-natural environment.
 Same goes for this picture. A very pretty attempt to mirror a bit of the skies. Of course, great to look at but not even half as interesting as the real deal. I mean, just look at the two
This my friends is what I call an urban lunch. At least the food itself was home made, it would have been even more cliche to pick up some Burger King and munch away on the bench. But, it was one of my best lunches so far. Even got a slight tan 
 And here's what it's all about: the green ! Nothing makes me happier than this strong green that nature is bursting with in spring

Last but not least, my favorite picture. In the middle of all this glass and steel and brick and plastic, you have blossoms. Absolutely perfect.

 How does your city look in spring? Or actually, how do your immediate surroundings look?                    

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Sabon Shower Oil

Hello children of the spring! Is everyone as excited about the warm things that are happening outside? I've been  in a VERY good mood now for almost a week, which also coincides with the start of spring.
And since we're talking spring, why not talk summer? And since we're talking summer, let me tell you about a shower oil I got a while ago that smells INCREDIBLE!
It's called Sweet Summer  and it's from Sabon.

   You might know that I'm a big shower oil fan, especially since my skin tends to dry out. So having something that has oil in it makes me merry happy.
What I like about the shower oils from Sabon is that you have about 7 or 8 smells to pick from. My nose was very satisfied about said fact and even if I would have wanted to go for the pink one, it didn't smell like roses quite as I hoped. But this, even being green, smells incredible. It's sweet just enough. None of that sweetness overdose that I really dislike,and for the rest it's just a good mix of fruity and floral. Marvellous combination. 

As far as the actual product is concerned, it is much nicer to your skin than a regular shower gel because it has olive, avocado, jojoba and wheat germ oil added. Now, in my opinion,they could have maybe added a bit more of those oils because when you dry off, even if you dry off gently, you still don't feel much moisture on your skin.
It doesn't leave my skin dry, but it's not really a "these 4 oils work wonders!" moment.

Of course, the good part is that it's SLS and Paraben Free and compared to the Almond Shower Oil from L'Occitane it probably costs around 20% less. 

But like I said, I would have expected a more oily feel at the end, than it actually gives. Other than that, I'm obsessed with the smell and each time I step out of the shower, the whole bathroom smells incredible. 

Have you tried any of their shower oils or shower oils in general?                   

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I've Found My Spring Nail Color!

The post you see now is not the one I had planned for today, but yesterday I swung by the post office to pick up what was going to become an instant obsession. It all began the second I opened the package and this cute presentation was staring at me. I mean, how can you not want to love it and never leave it?
I'm talking about Bondi's Botanical Beauty.

Bondi New York Botanical Beauty Swatch
I was so impressed by it, that by the time I had gotten back to the office I had to paint my nails. I mean, I knew the color was going to be great just by the looks of it on the Bondi website but it went way beyond once I held it in my hands.
Bondi is a new brand that is free of the nasties you don't want on your nails and that has just recently launched some gorgeous,gorgeous colors. You can check them all out on their website I linked above.
In any case, two coats later and I was a very happy camper.

Bondi New York Botanical Beauty Swatch

There were two things I instantly noticed about this polish: it dries ridiculously fast and it has great texture and coverage. I was already expecting to have to wave my hands in the air for a while before I could use them again and had mentally prepared an excuse I was going to tell people to explain the waving, but I didn't have to. It basically solved one of my biggest issues with nail polish: drying time.

Now, can we take a moment to talk about the color? Because it is absolutely gorgeous! I have a feeling this will be my most used spring color. It's the perfect not too girly but still very feminine lilac.
The next test is durability because if it can stay put for more than 2 days on my nails, it has passed every test in existence. You might not know this, but my nails have taken a pledge to exterminate all and any nail polish that is applied on them. I'll update you on how that goes, but by the looks of it after the first shower, this polish is badass.       

Can you tell that I'm incredibly excited about this it? I haven't been this excited in a long time but I do believe I have found my perfect spring nail partner. 

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Officially Introducing Sally Hansen's Gray by Gray

If you've seen my "tiny" amount of polish purchases from earlier this week, you've probably noticed the Sally Hansen polishes I've picked up. I know I have, because they have been the first ones I grabbed to try. I'm already a fan of the X-Treme Wear range, so the assumption that I'd like these came pretty easy.
Long story short: I do! I do indeed like 'em a lot!
I remember having a massive obsession with this color a couple years back and not being able to find it. There was just a somewhat blueish gray that I was lucky enough to find that got the job done so far but gosh golly I'm glad to have gotten my paws on this!

Sally Hansen Gray by gray swatch
It's called Gray by Gray  but you can clearly see it's not only gray. I really like this cool blue undertone it has because it makes it a bit more universally useable. Works with a tan and works with pale winter hands, like I am sporting at the moment. It also works just as well with long or short nails. 

Sally Hansen Gray by gray swatch

It might go into the "borderline spring polish" category but I think that it's not really the season to wear it. Tis the season for pastels and bright colors.
But do we like this polish? We do, a lot! 

What do you think, would you be tempted to wear it?

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week in Pictures #12

What I like about this place is that when spring hits, then it really hits! We all know that just a few weeks ago babies were freezing in the sun and by the looks of it, snow was feeling much too comfortable. Well, I'd like to inform you that yesterday I was tanning. Proper lying in the sun like a lizard with the intention of getting color. Which,for the record, I did. God, I've missed warm,comfortable sun! And I'm very excited that this is just the beginning of one of the two sunny seasons. 
I'd like to start my post off with two pictures that were taken 2 days apart. Go spring!

Wednesday / Friday

My mother, being the artist that she is, always likes to keep the table pretty / When in traffic, stare at clouds. Sounds reasonable.

The #Fassy Shrug. My best gif find of the week. I really like what the people on Tumblr come up with / Yep, wearing them flip flops. For the record, these have not been worn in years but it appears that on the day the sun is bright and the weather is right, al 256 other pairs are nowhere to be found

I feel like the #Fassy Shrug should be posted, just because it's awesome. It's an absolutely Zen image, especially at work where it's better to shrug it off than your head exploding. So, then

Feeling vastly british with my cucumber sammiches / Wrap season has begun!

My kind of plate / And my kind of temperatures

The horror of the mutilated chocolate. Was still delicious tho / Amazing sunset season is officially on                         

I'm definitely looking forward to a very sunny week! I hope you are too!

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Got Myself A Little Haul

I don't think I've ever done one of these, have I ? Well, I've been lucky enough to have gotten all of my online purchases pretty much at once this time.  I don't know about you, but I really like unpacking things and to have so many to unpack was right up my alley.
So, without further ado, here's what I got:

Starting off with the matters of the face, I've once again stocked up on Eyeko and got the liner extra, because that's just how nice the people at are. That and free shipping.
And from I went on and got the Rimmel Apocalips in Nude Eclipse that I've been craving. I'll congratulate myself for that purchase later. Then, I figured I'd try the Maybelline Fit Me Concealer and the Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm.

And now, let's get to the colorful part: the nail polishes

Sally Hansen Greige Gardens, Gray by Gray and Yellow Kitty. Then from China Glaze Keep Calm, Paint on, Unpredictable, Mimosas before Manis and Sunday Funday. And last but not least Orly Gumdrop and Essie Mojito Madness

I was especially excited about these three from the China Glaze Spring Collection and so far I've tried Sunday Funday and Keep Calm, Paint on. Both of them I REALLY like!

And here's where it's your turn, which ones would you want to see reviewed first?

Which one would you want to see reviewed first? free polls 

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Blue Time With China Glaze Sunday Funday Nails

I want to start off by saying that the color of this polish is exactly what I thought it would be and more. The slight inconvenience is that it looks like a visit at the coroner's office on my hands. I might need a tan, rounded nails, longer nails, bling, a white fluffy cat...I really don't know what could save it, it just doesn't look ideal on my nails, but the color is brilliant!

china glaze sunday funday swatch and review

Probably picked the sunniest day of the year to take this picture and I'm glad I did, because it just shows even more how great this color is. In case you were wondering ( even if I never edit the color of my nail swatches, unless they photograph completely off and I need to make them look more like reality), I haven't edited this photo. My camera seems to only have problems with purple and turquoise shades. Bless the little thing.

china glaze sunday funday swatch and review
Not the best idea give the slightly OCD girl the only bottle with the label a bit off, because even when I look at this picture I cringe a little at how off center it is, but I'm testing my willpower here and I'm staring at it, all crooked.

OCD aside, Sunday Funday is definitely a spring and summer polish. It would have looked just fine in just one coat because it's very opaque. As usual, I'm a big fan of the China Glaze formula, just not a huge fan of the brush. That things is teeny tiny!

Hope your Monday is behaving well and your week will be great but let's see what the other ladies have blued up,shall we? The last entries are the most recent ones, just so you know.

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week In Pictures # 11

It's officially awesome outside. Went out on the balcony this morning, the sun was shining, and even if there was some wind blowing, it was warm. This week has been pretty gloomy weather-wise, but by the end I could even start making proper pictures of spring sunsetsm which is incredible. It seems like just now it was October and I know winter has been suspiciously persistent but I'm quite confident that's over and done with and we're back to the place where it only goes uphill.So that was the weekly weather discussion, now let's get to the pictures!

Amazing spring polish of the week #2 / Yep, that is chocolate!

First proper spring sunset / The less that satisfactory cookie. Even chewing gum is more tender  

Idiot pose presenting spring polish of the week # 2 / I like asian food but this was just bad!

Decisions, decisions / The most used tools of the week

I've waited a long time for such a great blush / Why does my can say 59p when our currency is vastly different?     

And one more thing that hasn't been photographed but that has fascinated me this week was a movie called Shame.  

To be honest, it wasn't a movie I wanted to see, but within 48hrs I had heard so much praise that I decided to watch it one evening.
There is a whole lot of things that need getting used to in it, maybe even starting from the theme of it, but it's been a very long time that I've seen a movie that I want to see again and where by the end of it, I looked back and thought "wow". It's somewhat disturbing, but I  think that it's disturbing because it's incredibly realistic. That, combined with a brilliant director and a main character played creepy well. And I do mean creepy well. If you've watched the movie and now wonder if Michael Fassbender is actually disturbed deep down, I ask myself the same thing. He does a much too good job at playing that character.

I have a feeling I might need to do an entire post about this movie because if I don't stop now, it will completely take over. So stay tuned, because I'm writing the sequel.

Have you seen this movie? I'd love to hear what you have to say about it.


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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Making THE Best Smoothie Out There

A while ago, I went to my favorite smoothie makers and saw a very interestingly named smoothie: The Strudel Smoothie.
I was also confused as to how a smoothie was going to become a strudel but the ingredients looked magnificent: muesli, apple, cinnamon and honey.
The bigger surprise came when I tasted it and it was incredible! It had that familiarly delicious taste that I don't necessarily associate with a strudel but definitely with baked goods from when I was small.It was pretty magical and I was surprised that somebody had managed to create such a thing.
So you can imagine I tried to recreate it, the great part about it was, it was incredibly easy to recreate spot on. So here's how you can do it too:

strudel smoothie, strudel shake recipe apple cinnamon oatmeal honey apple shake smoothie

Step 1 : Gather up your ingredients. Muesli (I picked oats because they give it a delicious thickness), some cinnamon, milk and an apple
Step 2: Cut and slice whatever needs to be sliced. I actually use an apple and a glass of milk per portion and it works out great. I also suggest using as much oats as you want, you will want it of a thicker consistency.
Step 3: Throw everything in a blender and add some honey. Again, the quantity is completely up to you.
Step 4: Pour it and enjoy it!

I am pretty sure you will experience the same kind of love at first taste that I did! 

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Friday, April 12, 2013

March Favorites

Fashionably late as usual, I give you: March favorites!
To be honest, there initially was a very different lineup for this post but at the end of March, some goodies arrived and even after a pretty short period of testing, I have been HUGELY impressed.

Moa Green Balm
I have been using this for everything, from cuticles to lips, to face and hands. It is a universal savior and a definite repurchase. It has helped all my exposed parts during the freezing winter days, cold and wind. And with the dry skin that I'm sporting, it's quite magnificent to be able to do that. 

Nuxe Reve de Miel
Have almost all of us heard of the supernatural powers of this balm by now? I know I've stumbled upon nothing but praise. Even so, I wasn't too keen to believe everything because it sounded too good. Well you know what? It is THAT good! I'll have a proper review up soon and you will be able to hear all about how it has turned my lips from papyrus to velvet.

Eyeko Skinny Liner
I'm a gel eyeliner girl. Very dedicated to the gel cause, but boy oh boy this liner has shocked me. It has unbeatable lasting power. And I do mean unbeatable. No smudging, no moving, and seriously intense black. I could definitely be converted to this liner.

My fondness for Eyeko is quite great and in case you haven't noticed how obsessed I am with this mascara, I suggest you click on the link above to get to the review I did of it. 

Rimmel Apocalips in Nude Eclipse
I have been wanting to get my hands on this ever since I first saw it and I was right to want it! It's the best kind of lip product. Liquid but with a lipstick finish that is not too shiny and not too matte. Just right and especially great for dry lips that sometimes I prefer to not put lipstick,but more liquid products on.

Along with the MOA balm, this is still a great friend for when the hands are about to give up. It has got to be the thickest and most efficient hand cream I have ever tried.

And now to the favorite polishes: Sally Hansen The Real Teal and Barry M Mint Green.
You will find a lot of swatches for those on the blog, just type in Sally Hansen or Barry M in the search tab I have in the sidebar, because they are true spring colors.

Do we share any favorites here? What are some of yours?

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Polish Days: 7 Deadly Sins

This Polish Days topic was a challenge to say the least. Why? Well because tell me what you visualize when I say 7 Deadly Sins ? I see a Magnum Ice Cream bar, for those of you familiar with the 7 sins ice cream series they made. Other than that...blank. And especially nothing that can be put on nails. 
I mean let's think about it, how do you embody sins on your nails? The best you can do is by colors or the abstract concept that the nail polish itself has once been seen as sinful. So just put on a polish and you're done? Mais non mes amis.
Which leaves us with the next best thing in my eyes: the combination of some of 'em sins, their colors to be more exact. In my eyes black and read embody sin pretty well, in general terms. I never found envy to be too green. I find it to be a very peaceful color. But black and red are powerful and unexpected.
So here's what the end result has been:

The pattern was chaotic on purpose. The truth is, I just splashed some dots of color and then tried to unite them in a somewhat fluid manner. I mean, that's how sin goes,doesn't it? You get a drop and it just flows into something completely unexpected.

I have the slight impression this is a pretty creepy manicure, but in the back on my mind, that was the actual intention. Sadly, the colors didn't seem to want to photograph too well and the fact that they were ridiculously shiny clearly didn't help my cause either. But there it is, my best interpretation of sins. All 7 of them.

And speaking of interpretations, here's the other girls' also


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Monday, April 8, 2013

50 Shades of Monday Blues

When I decided to do ombre nails, I figured it would be practical to make them blue,for the sake of Mondays. But then I had to take a moment and wonder if I even had the proper blue polishes to pull it off. I mean, I tend to get a lot of one similar color, like say, stock up on mint and neglect everything else. To this day for example, I still have no proper fiery red and I always tell myself to not forget and go out and get one.It has still not hapened and I've been planing it for about a year now.
But nevermind, I was glad enough I had 5 shades of blue that could make the gradient happen.

And for this to be created, the following have been used:
(thumb to pinky)
- Essie Bobbing for Baubles
- Sally Hansen The Real Teal
- Essence I Love Bad Boys 
- W7 in a baby blue color whose name has detached from the bottle
- Australis Sweetpea

As you can see, a somewhat mint green had to make an appearance. I'm actually wondering if I could make a gradient with just mint shades. I might be shocked to find out I indeed can, but I will let you know as soon as possible.
Do you have any colors you'd like to see ombre-d ?


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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week In Pictures #10

Ladies and gents, I can now finally say: Spring has Sprung!
Maybe not fully, but at least it's nice and warm and the need for extra fluffy apparel has gone, which means you will now witness a more optimistic series of nature pictures than the last couple of weeks. 
And without further ado, let me introduce, the two spring bringers:

First proper flower in the garden / This awesome fellow landed on me last Sunday

The Monday teas / Clearly, I was liking my nails a lot that day

Even I was surprised how nice my locker looked so I took a picture / My most used gym items

To be honest, I just got it for the bottle, couldn't even finish it / My preciouses-es-es-es...!

That my friends is a homemande chocolate cup / An ode to Psych: irrelevantly placed pineapple 

How has your neck of the woods been looking? Any sign of warmer days coming your way or little ladybugs?

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