Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Whipping my hair into shiny shape with Old Wives Tail

You know when sometimes things are so well timed that you secretly ask yourself if someone has been reading thoughts?
Well this was the case a couple weeks ago when I started noticing that my hair might be in need of some extra love and moisture. It had become slightly rough to the touch and the ends weren't their perky little selves anymore either. I am quite sure it had a lot to do with the heat and the wind that had been going on. Not to mention the dustfest it had been getting on every run along the South Bank.
As I was preparing to look for the perfect hair mask or treatment or oil, or whatever was going to save it, I got a lovely email from Lily over at Old Wives Tail asking if I would want to try out one of their hair treatments.
I knew about the brand and I knew it was all natural and organic, which, if you know me, you know is something that instantly gets my attention.
There was no way I was going to say no!

old wives tail argan rosemary organic oil treatment review
Fast forward to this little beauty: the Rosemary and Argan Oil Treatment.
It's one of those deliciously whipped shea butter based concoctions I go completely crazy about!

old wives tail argan rosemary organic oil treatment review

All you need to do is use it on damp hair and massage it into your scalp. You can leave it in up to an hour or even overnight if you feel like your hair needs it. Then, just shampoo as usual and voilà!

The Result:  I mean....I have never seen my hair this shiny! I will admit to touching it like a maniac for the days that followed because it was so smooth and delicious! Not to mention that my light frizz was all gone and the mane was as tame as a bunny. I also had been having some dry scalp issues but you can be sure that those are long gone by now.

Basically, I love this thing! And the best thing about it is that after one use you can already see the results. And the smell! Just let me talk about the smell for a moment, because it's like being in the middle of a herb garden in the Orient.

You can get your own little magic pot over here or see what else you might want from their range.

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

OOTD? Yes it's my First Outfit Post!

Well this is a first, isn't it?
But I am SO super excited about the hand painted shirt I am about to show you that I simply had to do an outfit post!
I had randomly discovered Wonder Park as I was looking around the Camden Market a while ago and the idea that they paint on whatever you want on whatever T-shirt was instantly appealing!

Fast forward to my friend whose brain is on constant creative overdrive and who comes up with or revives the most fantastic words. One fine evening we ended up with the word "frohlocken", which basically just means "rejoice" in German. But it sounds utterly magnificent when said in German!  
It's a very archaic word and I am sure 99% or the population has even forgotten it existed.
Well, this word sounded so great and fun and puts me instantly in a good mood, that I just had to put it on a shirt and have it with me. Especially on Mondays.

This is where we combined this crazy word, with the great customising skills of Wonder Park and...voilà:

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