Thursday, October 24, 2013

Favorite Autumn Beauty Trends

Come autumn, a whole new color palette hits and slowly but surely, fall colors are occupying a very special place in my heart. Of course, it's not all about color, because there have been some gorgeous new discoveries, like this lipstick in pencil form mania, that I really appreciate. So let me show you some of my favorite beauty trends this autumn.

Have you been following the Fashion Week(s) ? The second I saw these glorious gold eyebrows I was hooked and I knew I was really going to enjoy gold making its comeback. It's beautiful as make-up, and it's beautiful on your nails. Giving just the right amount of sparkle and glow, this staple color cannot go missing.

NAILS NAILS NAILS! Yes well, definitely my favorite subject and for me, come autumn, metallics and glitters have their revival. I cannot explain why glitter mania hits new heights starting September, nor can I say I mind, but it's here and it's staying.
And of course, the staple autumn colors: the deep reds, grays, taupes, maroons and nudes. Gorgeous colors all year round, but they just seem to fit in and look much better come fall

Another thing I really appreciate is the evolution of the autumn eye. What was once just depressing is now magnificent. Browns,copper,bronze and blacks can make any eye looks magnificent and we now know how to use it! One of my favorite things this fall are the Maybelline Color Tattoos and I've been wearing them every single day.

Last but not least, my new favorite thing: Lip Pens!
I am absolutely loving the alternative to lipstick, because not only do they come in a a huge array of colors, they also come in uncountable formulas,textures and finishes. Some are sheer and shiny,some are voluptuously velvety and some are just perfectly matte. I was never much the lipstick person but I'm most definitely the lip pen person!

What are some of your favorite trends?

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  1. i love everything gold!

    x robin

  2. I love the gold and I am obsessed with it haha I also like the autumn dark colours
