Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week in Pictures # 36

This week started out pretty hectic, but by Friday it had gotten much nicer. Also due to the fact that it was so warm outside that you could have confused October 25th with a late August day. Sunny, warm, and we also got gifted a new park next to where I work, which makes the whole thing better.

 1. Comparing them nails 2. How funny are those glasses! "Mind the Gap" 3. It's autumn a'right       4. The cuddly phonecase
5. Ladies in the park, doing the regular poses 6. A bit of green left
7. Current read 8. THAT is a ventilator that spells Ice Cold. Do not know who invented it but it's fascinating 9. Nail love o the week: flakies 10. Fast coffee-ing

How has your week been? As nice and sunny as mine?

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  1. Trebuie sa imi iau si eu Vienna Ice Coffe. Am tot vazut poze si sunt curioasa cum e.
    Cat despre noul parc, e pretty lovely. :) Si foarte draguta poza cu voi 3 pe iarba :D

  2. Love the pictures I miss the sunny warmth already :(
