Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Everyone wants nice, strong nails but do we put the effort in getting them there and maintaining them? Especially if, like me, you're a nail painter, those nails will want to take a break every now and then and manifest their wishes in a less than joyful manner, like flaking,breaking,dry cuticles and many more.

Here's what I'm using at the moment to keep the tiny ones happy:

First up, you need to nourish those nails and the best thing I have ever used has been this turquoise mass from Hema whose writing has by now faded away forever but I know it is a growth and restore serum kind of thing, with calcium. If you're in a Hema (and this is for all you Dutch people out there) , you will definitely recognize it by its color.  I do recommend calcium based nail nourishing substances, because calcium is one of those things that keeps teeth and nails alike strong. Whenever I forget to use it, I definitely see the difference. And when I use it, I see the difference even more. My nails become Batman.

Then, for the cuticles, but also for the nail's all-round well being I like to use a nail oil and a cuticle butter. The nail oil I use is almond oil based and it's basically designed for the cuticles but oil on the nail is a great thing as it nourishes it. Same goes for cuticle butter. Great for cuticles but your nails will also be thankful. 
The funnies thing about this Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream  is that I once evening put it on my cuticles and nails and by the morning, my parched nails woke up looking stunning! So, that's something I will not be parting with.

Always be careful when putting polish on your nail. Nail polish is not made from unicorn sparkles and love, it has serious chemicals in it, which means you need to protect your nail as much as possible. My current favorite is Orly's Nail Armor which not only protects, but is enforced with silk fibres to strengthen the nail.

If you're curious about OPI's Nail Envy, I have tried that too but it didn't wow me at all. You can find the full "Why" in my review here
So what do you do for your nails?

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