Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week in Pictures # 35

October was just beginning and now we're more than halfway through! This week went from sunny and pretty warm to rainy and full on dark. Last night, as I was out for a run, a cab driver seemed to feel the need to stop me and tell me I might get a cold seen as how I was running in a T-shirt at 5 degrees. But cold, thou shalt not defeat me! 

1 Nail obsession! That glitter and polish combo is pure perfection! 2.  I was the one with the pizza. T'was junk food time that night. 3. Deliciousness in a glass, mango frappe 
4. No words can describe how fantastic that cheesecake was 5. Autumn's definitely here
6. My new obsession: green tea and apple syrup 7. The glitter lip experiment 8. Gettin my Oktoberfest on

How was your week? Feeling autumnized yet?

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  1. The cheesecake looks absolutely delicious!

    Water Painted Dreams xxx

    1. It's so good! It tastes like they melted black and white chocolate into the filling! Talking about it makes me want to run and get it right now

  2. La cum arata cheesecake-ul acela cred si eu :D Si yum @ mango frappe. Yum, yum!

    1. E de la Starbucks cheesecake. Stii cum era ciocolata aia de casa? Are putin gust din ala si e atat de bun!

  3. De unde iei sirop de mere? M-ai facut curioasa :)

    1. Din Auchan :) De fapt e facut de Plafar deci si la Plafar ar trebui sa fie. E mar si scortisoara. Absolut genial
