Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pretty Photos: Autumn

Autumn has worked its way up pretty high on my favorite list and I think it has something to do with the pretty things it brings with it, so I decided to go ahead and post some of the pretty pictures that made me a bit happier this autumn.

I think we all have our little image or how things should be, that makes us all warm and fuzzy inside, and it just so happens that autumn makes me all warm and fuzzy.
Here are some things that are the epitome of autumn for me.

*The pictures have been taken from Pinterest and Weheartit, except if otherwise stated, and no author was stated on said websites.
 If you are the author of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can credit you*

Delicious hot beverages! 
I made a collage out of these ones because there were so many I wanted to show you!

And let's not forget the pumpkins!

This one is actually taken by me and I still like it very very much!

 Hope you liked!

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  1. autumn is also one of my favourite times of the year! I think it's the colours, or the 'autumn sun' y'know where its all pretty and sunny but the air is cold and you're all snuggled up in a big jumper? yeah, i enjoy that a lot!
    another fab post :-) xox

    1. I felt waaay too autumny for my own good so I had to make this post.It made me all snuggly inside. And yes! That's the exact visual I get too!

  2. Superbe imagini, imi plac mult ca in toate imaginile domina nuantele portocalii si maronii care imi dau un feeling foarte placut. Sunt un nou membru al blogului tau si astept cu entuziasm noile tale postari!

    1. Multumesc mult de tot! O sa urmeze saptamana viitoare inca o tura de pretty pictures,ca acuma m-a apucat putin chestia cu poze dragute :)



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